
学生 Honored During Annual Recognition and Pinning Ceremony

Friday, May 24th, 2024

威尼斯人网上娱乐 College of Pharmacy and 健康科学 (CPHS) held its annual Recognition and Pinning Ceremony on May 9. The Ceremony marks students’ transition to final year internships, 实地考察, and rotations for third-year undergraduate health sciences students, first-year Master of Athletic Training students, second-year Occupational Therapy Doctorate students, and third-year Doctor of Pharmacy students.

To assist students with their transition from their course work to their program’s final year of experiential learning, Dr. 雷纳·Chesnut, professor of pharmacy practice and former CPHS dean, provided advice on how to be a transformational leader. Dr. Chesnut was the recipient of the College’s 2024 Richard Morrow Transformational Leadership Award.
Each student named in the ceremony received a name badge and a pin to wear in their final program experiences. The College’s pin is in the shape of a shield with the name of the student’s degree program, which serves as a reminder of their program’s professional values and competencies. A Drake ‘D’ in the center circle serves as a reminder that students are always representatives of the 威尼斯人网上娱乐 College of Pharmacy & 健康科学.

During the ceremony, CPHS Interim Dean and Professor Dr. Chuck Phillips announced the recipients of several prestigious awards.

安娜•米勒, a junior health sciences student, was presented with the Outstanding 健康科学 Student Award. Recipients of this award have excelled in their coursework and have been active in University and College professional organizations and activities.

埃达Pederson, a junior health sciences student, received the 健康科学 Student Leadership Award. This award recognizes a health sciences student who has shown leadership in their curricular and co-curricular activities.

泰勒奥托, a first-year Master of Athletic Training student, was presented with the Athletic Training Emerging Clinician Award. Recipients of this award demonstrate the qualities necessary to thrive in the practice of athletic training.

汉娜Bley, a second-year occupational therapy doctoral student, received the Occupational Therapy Scholastic Achievement Award. Recipients of this award have excelled in their coursework, performing in the top 25% of their class.

妮可Herren, second-year occupational therapy doctoral student, was awarded the Occupational Therapy Leadership and Professional Development Award. Recipients of this award demonstrate the drive to advance the profession of occupational therapy through leadership opportunities, 出版物, or involvement in professional presentations.

Paula Ornelas, third-year Doctor of Pharmacy student, received the Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Award. This award was established by the United States Public Health Service to recognize student pharmacists who make significant contributions to public health.

蒂娜Alsabbah, third-year Doctor of Pharmacy student, was recognized as the recipient of the Lon N. 拉森 Engaged Practitioner Award. Established through memorials made in 拉森’s honor, the annual Lon 拉森 Engaged Practitioner Award is presented to the student that most demonstrates the values and actions for which Dr. 拉森, previous CPHS faculty member, was best known including high ethical standards, reflective practice, 创新, and community service.

学生 who received pins and were named during the ceremony included the following:

健康科学 学生: Elizabeth Aanestad, 克里斯蒂娜•贝兹, 阿达玛Bockarie, 克洛伊Bonta, 迦勒保龄球, 安东尼·布拉德利, 艾玛·伯恩, 马库斯咀嚼, 大卫·邓肯, 克莱尔其他, 卡罗琳·弗莱明, 马修·福, 艾娃·霍桑, 阿什利iiam, 瑟瑞娜Iske, 索菲娅约翰逊, 莫莉肯尼迪, 塞缪尔·金, 费利西亚卤, 布鲁克林洛瑞, 托马斯·卢卡斯, 露丝Lundberg, Khushi Makhija, Camryn Makovicka, Cassandra McPheron, 安娜•米勒, 悉尼诺顿, 船底座Oelkers, 汉娜一样, 米利亚帕特里克, 埃达Pederson, 玛丽·波尔图, Kiara莱利, Suzanne Shoemaker, 米娅·希普利, Shandhar Sureshbabu, 莉莉惠特莫尔, Raelyn威尔科克斯, 斯泰勒消遣

Master of Athletic Training 学生: 阿齐兹Jdai, 凯莉拉森, 萨米•米勒, 泰勒奥托, Mac珀塞尔, Aayushi Sarkar, Darinka斯捷潘, Jeremy Villalobos

Occupational Therapy Doctoral 学生: Alexa Aldrich-Ingram, 莉莉贝克, 汉娜Behunin, 恩典Blazevich, 汉娜Bley, 惠特尼Bramm, 艾比布朗, 外祖母坎菲尔德, 汉娜•科尔, Brooke Dannenfeldt, 阿比迪安娜, Brittney Eilers, 艾伦Everhart, 佩奇Fernety, Ayla弗莱明, Johnna加里, 杰西卡·加尔萨, 艾米丽·古德曼, 妮可Heeren, 萨曼莎洪尼格, 艾丽西亚哈伯德, Hakyung张成泽, 泰Jaske, 斯蒂芬妮詹森, 亚历克斯·拉森, Mackenzie Laughlin, 纳尔逊勒, 梅根Menke, 麦迪逊Osbern, 玛德琳普雷斯顿, 克里斯汀Prine, Haylee拉斯穆森, 赖尔登寺, 佩顿·罗伯逊, 玛丽莎晋升, 昆西Schenk, 艾比夏天, 奥利维亚Terzich, Kinzi Van Wyk, 奥利维亚Wersinger, 吉利安伍德

Doctor of Pharmacy 学生: 鲁本亚伯拉罕, 蒂娜Alsabbah, 三一Baccam, 基思·巴内特, 凯拉Batdorf, 克莱尔Behymer, 班纳特莱西, 德文·布利什, 迈克尔Bracco, 安娜·布劳恩, 挪亚布德, 三一布施, 艾比Crupi, 梅根的一天, 佐伊德威特, 梅根的交易, 尼克Deveza, 詹妮弗·迪亚兹, 路加福音弗格森, 当归膜集成电路, 莎莉弗莱, 使男孩旁边, 盖Giesen, 玛丽莎Grothe, 阿德拉Hadziric, 莎拉·亨尼西, MacKenzie海丝特, 梅根洪尼格, 安娜·霍尔登, 吉莉安罩, Stacia L. 汉弗莱, 阿勒娜绳文, 本•琼斯, 梅根·肯尼, 奥斯汀Lampman, 艾米丽灾区, 苏西Mahalick, Corinne McCormick, Elizabeth Mensing, 玛德琳马厩, 雅各布·米勒, Drew Momchilovich, 汉娜马伦, 卡莉·马林斯, 麦肯纳Murcek, 苏菲阮, 格兰特纳特, 凯拉奈, Jaymie奥康纳, Imor Okwaramoi, Paula Ornelas, 肖恩·帕特尔, 绿豆年代. Piang, 贝丝Reed-Jahncke, 凯瑟琳Reiman, 亚历克西斯金沙, 米凯拉锡克, 阿什利Sinnorai, 卡尔·施, 阿比盖尔Stumpner, Amisha塔亚尔人, 汉娜Thillman, 凯特林·托马斯, Ryanne Trpkosh, 瑞秋都灵, 迪伦山谷, 约翰器皿