




The Endorsement-Only 项目 are designed for certified teachers in pursuit of additional Sate of Iowa Teaching 代言.


课程长度: 三十六个月
地点: 在校园里还是网上
目标受众: 想要扩展其内容知识的职前或在职教师.



The Master of Science in 咨询 is a CACREP accredited degree with specializations in clinical mental health counseling, 康复咨询, 还有学校咨询. 这个具有竞争力和灵活性的课程为学生进入高要求的咨询行业做好了准备. Graduates obtain licenses to practice within weeks of completing internships and nearly all students are offered employment as counselors before graduation. 学生也可以选择完成多个专业,并获得两个领域的执照.

课程长度: 30 - 40个月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: 有兴趣成为临床心理健康咨询师的个人, 康复顾问, 或专业学校辅导员.



The 威尼斯人网上娱乐’s 大师 of Science in Leadership Development (MSLD) program is designed to serve emerging and aspiring leaders in business, 行业, 非营利组织 who are interested in developing their leadership ability or developing the leadership capacity in others.

加入其他在职专业人士, 来自不同的行业和学科, 在一个互动和协作的学习环境.

课程长度: 18 - 24个月
地点: 在校园里还是网上
目标受众: 个人希望成为鼓舞人心和有效的领导者在商业, 行业, 非营利组织.



当老师永远不会嫌晚. 无论你的背景如何, the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree will help you transition into the field of education as a middle school or high school teacher.

课程长度: 18 - 24个月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: Individuals with an undergraduate degree in any field who would like to transition into the field of education as a middle school or high school teacher.



当老师永远不会嫌晚. 无论你的背景如何, the Master of Science in Teaching (MST) degree will help you transition into the field of education as a kindergarten or elementary school teacher.

Drake's program is one of a small number of programs that allows you to get an elementary teaching certificate at the master's degree level.

课程长度: 30-42月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: Individuals with an undergraduate degree in any field who would like to transition into the field of education as a kindergarten or elementary school teacher.

MSE:文化响应型领导 & 指令


BLUE-Building引领城市教育. The BLUE program is a partnership between the 威尼斯人网上娱乐 教育学院 and Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS). 该计划旨在培养教师,以满足不同学生群体的需求, 注重建立公平和文化水平的坚实基础.

课程长度: 15 - 24个月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: 仅与得梅因公立学校合作. Non-BLUE contract DMPS teachers and instructional coaches looking for ways to integrate and learn more about effective teaching models, 以公平和城市视角的方法和策略.



对于计划在职业生涯中迈出下一步的教育工作者, 教育领导理学硕士课程是一个很好的选择.

该项目为教师准备各种领导职位, 包括主体, /助理副校长, 活动/体育指导员, 学生主任, 课程协调员或地区教育机构顾问. 威尼斯人网上娱乐在质量方面的声誉遍及爱荷华州, 近70%的学区至少有一名管理人员拥有威尼斯人网上娱乐学位.

课程长度: 24个月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: 持牌教师有兴趣追求原则或监督执照.



威尼斯人网上娱乐的100%在线科学硕士教育有效教学是专为准备忙碌, working educators to implement the innovative teaching methods needed to engage learners for academic success. Drake’s Effective Teaching mater’s program will develop abilities both inside and outside of the classroom. 该课程的毕业生准备上升到教师领导或硕士教师的水平, 以及担任识字教练的角色, 阅读专家, 或者课程开发者.

MSE毕业生准备上升到教师领导或硕士教师的水平, 以及担任识字教练的角色, 阅读专家, 或者课程开发者.

课程长度: 12 - 24个月
地点: 在线
目标受众: 练习老师 and instructional coaches looking to strengthen their practice with innovative strategies, 当前有效教学模式的研究与应用.



威尼斯人网上娱乐提供读写教育硕士学位,并提供K-8阅读的可选背书, 5 -阅读, 或K-12阅读专家,可以作为课程的一部分.

该项目是为希望领导扫盲活动的教师和其他教育工作者设计的, 成为识字教练, 开发课程, serve as master teachers and learn new strategies and techniques to assist students struggling in the classroom.

课程长度: 15 - 24个月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: 练习老师, instructional coaches and leaders who desire a deeper understanding of current literacy re搜索 and effective literacy practices. 此外,对于那些对K-12阅读专家背书感兴趣的老师.



Drake’s Master of Science in Special Education (MSE) is specifically designed for those who are currently teaching and seeking a graduate degree. 我们的互动, collaborative classes are designed for those currently teaching and are looking for additional strategies to help meet the needs of their students.

这个真实的, 实践方法使教师从业者能够立即将他们学到的知识应用到课堂上. 完成MSE不仅会帮助你成为一个见多识广的老师, it will also provide you with the skills necessary to advance your career and to take on additional leadership roles.

课程长度: 夫人几个月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: 想要通过学习改变学生生活的持证教师, 行为和智力障碍. 学位和背书选项可用.



爱荷华州唯一的同类硕士学位, 威尼斯人网上娱乐的STEM教育硕士学位(科学), 技术, 工程, and Math) allows teachers to gain proficiency in both knowledge of fundamental STEM content and STEM teaching strategies that get results.

该计划将基于研究的概念与K-12教学的现实相结合, 注重将所学知识运用到课堂上.

结果? 被证明成功. Recent data show that teachers who complete courses in the program are measurably better able to engage their students in effective science and math instruction.

这个真实的, 实践方法使教师从业者能够立即将他们学到的知识应用到课堂上. 完成MSE不仅会帮助你成为一个见多识广的老师, it will also provide you with the skills necessary to advance your career and to take on additional leadership roles.

课程长度: 12 - 24个月
地点: 在校园
目标受众: 希望改善基于问题和探究的STEM学习的中小学教师.



The 专家 in Education program is ideal for individuals who have completed a master’s degree and are interested in additional expertise in literacy, 英语学习者, 或STEM研究和教学.

课程长度: 18 - 24个月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: 对基于课程的高级学位感兴趣的持证教师.



准备在职业生涯中迈出下一步的教育工作者, 教育学院提供教育专业学位. Educational professionals that have already received a master’s degree in education can pursue superintendent licensure through this program. Drake’s Ed 专家 program offers rich clinical experiences 在整个许可课程中嵌入多个实践经验.

课程长度: 15 - 24个月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: 有兴趣获得K-12学监执照的教育工作者.



EdD一般课程强调领导力的实践研究, 理论, 道德, 技术, 项目评估, 以及研究方法. 威尼斯人网上娱乐的课程适用于许多领导级别的职业. 专为在职专业人士开发, 课程在周末举行, 这样你就可以继续全职工作了. 该队列项目可以在短短三年内完成(下面列出的两年课程), 用一年或更长时间完成论文或顶点项目).

教育学博士学位所独有的 is the option of pursuing and completing a capstone project in place of a dissertation. The capstone project provides an opportunity for the EdD candidate to design and complete a significant summative project that focuses on addressing a problem of practice within the student’s professional community.

课程长度: 36-48月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: EdD degree is intended for those whose interest is in the application of 理论 and re搜索 to affect educational practice.



对于拥有硕士学位的教育工作者来说,计划在他们的职业生涯中迈出下一步, 教育学院提供教育学硕士学位.主执照. 该项目使博士生成为教育领域的模范领导者. 专为在职专业人士开发, 课程在周末举行,所以你可以继续全职工作.

丰富的临床经验是该计划的核心, 在整个许可课程中嵌入多个实践经验. 学生每学期选修两门课程,这些课程可以在短短三年内完成. EdD学生可以选择完成一篇论文或一个顶点项目. 教育学博士学位所独有的, the capstone project provides an opportunity for the EdD candidate to design and complete a significant summative project that focuses on addressing a problem of practice within the student’s professional community. Coursework for licensure can be completed within two years and students can apply for their license while continuing to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree.

课程长度: 36-48月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: 个人有兴趣寻求博士学位与K-12执照的选择.



对于计划在职业生涯中迈出下一步的教育工作者,教育学院提供教育硕士学位.警司执照. 该项目使博士生成为教育领域的模范领导者. 专为在职专业人士开发, 课程在周末举行,所以你可以继续全职工作.

丰富的临床经验是该计划的核心, 在整个许可课程中嵌入多个实践经验. 学生每学期选修两门课程,这些课程可以在短短三年内完成. EdD学生可以选择完成一篇论文或一个顶点项目. 教育学博士学位所独有的, the capstone project provides an opportunity for the EdD candidate to design and complete a significant summative project that focuses on addressing a problem of practice within the student’s professional community. Coursework for licensure can be completed within two years and students can apply for their license while continuing to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree.

课程长度: 36-48月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: 个人有兴趣寻求博士学位与K-12执照的选择.



博士通识课程强调教育研究, 理论, 道德, 技术, 评价与考核, 以及研究方法. 在项目的最后一年, 博士生在学徒制中与他们的导师密切合作. 同时注重提高和拓展博士生的研究技能和知识, faculty mentors work with their mentees to identify and design apprenticeship activities based on the PhD student’s professional goals and discipline.

课程长度: 42-48月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: PhD in Education is intended for those who are interested in becoming a re搜索 scholar in their professional fields.



对于拥有硕士学位的教育工作者来说,计划在他们的职业生涯中迈出下一步, 教育学院提供校长执照博士学位. 该项目使博士生成为教育领域的模范领导者. 专为在职专业人士开发, 课程在周末举行,所以你可以继续全职工作.

丰富的临床经验是该计划的核心, 在整个许可课程中嵌入多个实践经验. 学生每学期选修两门课程,这些课程可以在短短三年内完成. 博士生必须完成一篇论文. Coursework for licensure can be completed within two years and students can apply for their license while continuing to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree.

课程长度: 42-48月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: 个人有兴趣寻求博士学位与K-12执照的选择.



对于计划在职业生涯中迈出下一步的教育工作者, 教育学院提供校长执照博士学位. 该项目使博士生成为教育领域的模范领导者. 专为在职专业人士开发, 课程在周末举行,所以你可以继续全职工作.

丰富的临床经验是该计划的核心, 在整个许可课程中嵌入多个实践经验. 学生每学期选修两门课程,这些课程可以在短短三年内完成. 博士生必须完成一篇论文. Coursework for licensure can be completed within two years and students can apply for their license while continuing to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree.

课程长度: 42-48月
地点: 混合-同步在线和校园课程
目标受众: 个人有兴趣寻求博士学位与K-12执照的选择.